Foundry Sand
- Sinter point over 1350°C
- Improving surface finish especially in manganese steel casting.
- Reduces the surface grinding costs
- High thermal shock resistance ,low thermal expansion
- Disallow reaction with steel and penetration of molten metal.
- High quality clean casting
- Improve the bonding with clay usage, reduces the amount of requirement bentonite
- Alkaline characteristic
- Provides gas permeability and vapour outlet
- High reusage ratio
- Environment friendly.No free silica
- Economical solution in comparison with zircon and chromite
Grain sizes (mm)*
- AFS 30-35
- AFS 40-45
- AFS 50-55
- AFS 60-65
- AFS 70-75
- AFS 80-85
*Can be produced in different sizes & packaging types