- For production sinter and pellet
- Reduces the slag viscosity
- High MgO content, absobrs phosphorus and and sulphur and remove from the molten metal
- Better alkalinity and fluidity for the slag and keeps its fluidity
- Reduces the sinter temperature down below approximately 100°C
- Coke consumption reduces
- More productive than fluorspar<2%
- Harder sinter products are obtained. No need to give mixture back to sinter<1%
- Less fuel consumption causes less air/sinter amount requires.
- Less raw material needs<1%
- Less slag obtained
- Fuel consumption in the furnace down below over 7%
- Advantage in burden permeability and gas-solid contact
- Less dust lost
- Increase CO evolution and controls Si and Mn reduction are more precise
Grain sizes (mm)*
- 0-3 / 0-4
- 10-30 / 10-40
*Can be produced in different sizes & packaging types